Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Discover The TOP 3 Insider Secrets Of Influential Communicators

    Discover The TOP 3 Insider Secrets Of Influential Communicators

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “Now, you can improve your value by 50 percent just by learning communication skills–public speaking. If that’s the case, see me after class and I’ll pay you $150,000.” Warren Buffett, on a serious note, upped the ante from the original job offer of $100,000 to a room of Columbia University students back in 2009. […]

  • 3 Video Training

    The 3 Things You Should Completely Avoid Doing Before Speaking In Front Of A Crowd In the video above, you’ll learn how you can deal with speaking anxiety. How Public Speaking Can Help You In Your Career, Job or Business In the video above, you’ll learn why people turn to public speaking to boost their […]

  • An Interview With Channel NewsAsia: Overcoming Nervousness

    In this video, World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren Tay talks about the speech that he gave in a white underwear. In the video you will learn about: – 3 useful public speaking tips that you can apply – How to overcome stage anxiety – 5 things to avoid in a speech   Want to […]

  • Helping Yourself Be A Better Public Speaker

    Public speaking is such a huge challenge, not just for people who have problems with their confidence levels, but more so for those who are lacking in their communication skills. You see, when speaking before huge crowds, confidence is a must so you will be able to express what you want to say. And so, […]

  • Unlocking The Secrets To Be The Best Presenter

    Presentations are very important in the corporate world. Through these, you try to sell ideas to your audience that they should buy. That is why you have to be an effective presenter to be able to express the ideas that you need to convey. But how can you be more effective as a presenter? Here […]

  • How To Check If You’re Enrolled In The Right Public Speaking Course

    There are many public speaking courses offered by various Singaporean public speaking centers. All of these promise to help you be a better public speaker in the future. But did you know that these aren’t the same? There are some that offers far better courses that will be effective in making you great and reputable […]

  • The role of your public speaking skills in your corporate career

    Public speaking is often associated with speeches and public relations. It is a common thought that public speaking is just for those who are public pleasers such as politicians, lawyers, spokesperson,motivational speaker and other professions with similar character. However, what most of us don’t understand is that we can use the skills involved in public […]

  • Things you can learn from a public speaking business coach

    We all know how much a good public speaking skill can do in one’s leadership. Thus, every businessman ought to become effective speakers as handling his team involves a lot of conferences including motivational speeches. However, as much as they want to invest time and effort in learning such skill, most of the entrepreneurs don’t […]

  • Ways on how your public speaking skills can serve as a life skill

    Public speaking for adults isn’t just about speaking in front of a crowd. Yes, it is the first thing that comes into anyone’s mind when they hear such words but your public speaking skills can bring you beyond the stage you step on and more meaningful than the speech you deliver. Thus, being able to […]

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