Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
How to be that Powerful, Persuasive and Perfect Leader?
How to be that Powerful, Persuasive and Perfect Leader? Communication Tips for Leadership What makes a powerful leader? It is easy to identify someone in your life whom you identify as a leadership role model, someone to look up to and emulate. It is more difficult to unpack the qualities or traits that make […]
“Warm Regards …” – How to Write a Professional and Formal Letter?
“Warm Regards …” – How to Write a Professional and Formal Letter? The art of written communication is not easy, especially for a child exploring the English Language for the first time. Aside from the various tedious technical rules (e.g. grammar), your child needs to be versatile in managing different type of writing assignments. […]
How to Practice Public Speaking?
How to Practice Public Speaking? Finding Learning Opportunities in Your Daily Life Recently, I had a powerful question asked during one of my classes – we receive so much feedback on the various aspects of our presentations, how do we try to incorporate and internalise these feedback since we will not get a chance to […]
The First 15mins of Your Presentation
Starting the first 15mins of a presentation is crucial. It’ll provide you with the momentum to give you the confidence to finish strong! Watch the video to learn about 4 ways to start strong.
What Should You Do If You Forgot Your Point Or Lines During Your Presentation?
What Should You Do If You Forgot Your Point Or Lines During Your Presentation? What should you do if you forgot your point or lines during your presentation? One of the things that you can do is, firstly, don’t panic because if you start to panic, your mind starts racing for 10,000 different […]
Which Is More Important? Content Or Delivery?
Which Is More Important? Content Or Delivery? Which is more important? Content or delivery? If you really force me to choose, I would actually choose delivery. I am a firm believer that any content, any type of information that you wish to deliver in a speech can actually be done in a very […]
“Boss, You Wanted to See Me?” Dealing with Difficult Conversations
“Boss, You Wanted to See Me?” Dealing with Difficult Conversations You wake up on a Monday morning – refreshed and ready to start the work. You receive a notification on your phone. As you reach over and read the first words appearing on your screen, your heart skipped a beat. “Please see me […]
Writing with Purpose – How to Excel in Situational Writing
Writing with Purpose – How to Excel in Situational Writing Situational writing is one of the main components of your child’s English Language examination papers. It carries a total of 15 marks and challenges your child to draft a short, functional writing piece based on a given set of instructions. In particular, students […]
Speech Fundamentals – How to Create an Inviting and Welcoming Speech
Speech Fundamentals – How to Create an Inviting and Welcoming Speech Everyone wants to be that type of speaker – the confident, warm and popular speaker. Most, if not all, of our public speaking students, have the ideal image of a confident public speaker who not only present in a confident manner but […]
Got any book recommendations?