Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Inspiring Confidence on Stage – The Bluffer’s Guide to Exuding Confidence!
Inspiring Confidence on Stage – The Bluffer’s Guide to Exuding Confidence! Have you ever watched a confident speaker on stage and wondered how he/she can remain so calm on stage? You may have watched with envy as that same speaker enthral, excite, and engage the audience as they move about the stage flawlessly. […]
Do I Need a Mentor? Starting Your Public Speaking Journey on the Right Foot
Do I Need a Mentor? Starting Your Public Speaking Journey on the Right Foot The public speaking journey is not easy; for some, it can be a daunting process. A quick search online will reveal countless websites setting out valuable tips for a beginner public speaker/communicator. We wanted to zoom in on an […]
Motivate Yourself to be a Motivational Speaker – How to Set Off on Your Journey to be a Motivational Speaker
Motivate Yourself to be a Motivational Speaker – How to Set Off on Your Journey to be a Motivational Speaker Are you interested in being a motivational speaker? Not everyone is keen to take up such a role, especially when they first set out on their public speaking journey. For most, the step […]
Sit or Stand? Body Language Elements for Sit-Down Presentations
Sit or Stand? Body Language Elements for Sit-Down Presentations What do you think of when you hear the words “public speaking”? We cannot blame you if your immediate thought is a traditional speaking or communication setting – standing tall in front of a large audience, delivering a charismatic speech. But, what happens if […]
Should I Fake It Till I Make It? Presenting with Sincerity, Value, and Confidence
Should I Fake It Till I Make It? Presenting with Sincerity, Value, and Confidence Should I lie if I do not know the answer to a question? This is a surprisingly common question we tend to receive, from both our kids and adult students when dealing with impromptu, on-the-spot scenarios. When faced with […]
“No, That is Wrong!” How to Disagree With Someone Professionally, Politely, and Powerfully?
“No, That is Wrong!” How to Disagree With Someone Professionally, Politely, and Powerfully? It is easy to disagree, you just need to take a different position from your conversation partner and defend that position stubbornly. It is more difficult, however, to disagree with panache! In our past articles, we have covered extensively on […]
Conversation Starters – Enthralling, Engaging, and Enticing Your Conversation Partners
Conversation Starters – Enthralling, Engaging, and Enticing Your Conversation Partners Conversations are easy, right? We go through them daily, without much planning or thought. From a casual conversation at home or work to a slightly formal one with an acquaintance or networking partner, conversations are fluid, positive, and unpredictable. But, what if your […]
Tongue-Tied! What Should I Do If I Forget My Speech?
Tongue-Tied! What Should I Do If I Forget My Speech? The speech-crafting process is not easy – especially if you want to design a compelling, powerful, and moving speech. For most of us, the most painful part of this process is having to memorise and Internalise the speech that you have prepared. When […]
How Dare You! Controlling Your Anger in a Communication Setting
How Dare You! Controlling Your Anger in a Communication Setting Let’s admit it – we have all been there. Whether it is that rude customer, an argument at home, or just a bad day at work, we have all faced that temptation to scream, shout, and lash out at someone in anger. When […]
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