Category: Uncategorized
The First 15mins of Your Presentation
Starting the first 15mins of a presentation is crucial. It’ll provide you with the momentum to give you the confidence to finish strong! Watch the video to learn about 4 ways to start strong.
“Mummy & Daddy, I’m too Young”
“Mummy & Daddy, I’m too Young” Why Public Speaking Training Should Start Early For Your Child “Why start young?” A common question we get at our time here at the Public Speaking Academy concerns whether it is important to send their children for public speaking courses at such a young age. There is […]
Painless Presentations
Painless Presentations Our Take On Monroe’s Motivated Sequence “Next up, we have *your name* to deliver his/her oral report/ show & tell/ book review presentation!”. The enthusiastic voice was accompanied by a gradual build-up of perfunctory applause from the class. Your classmates’ dreary expressions belied their radiant eagerness to imbibe what you are […]
Taking That First Step
Taking That First Step How to Overcome Your Public Speaking Fears? Most of our students react the same way when asked to take their first step in presenting their first-ever speech – with a shake of their heads and a complete refusal to take the stage. Public speaking fear is not uncommon. For […]
Confession Of An Introvert
Confession Of An Introvert The Curse of the Silent “Backend” Warrior Boss/ Teacher/ Instructor says: “Who wants to present this project report? Whoever volunteers to present, help promote the company or take one for the team shall be handsomely rewarded! (as it should be)”. At this juncture, I started scouring my entire self […]
Your 3-Point Quick Refresher Before Every Presentation
(No speaking techniques. Just 3 things you usually forget before a presentation!) Picture this: The atmosphere in the locker room was buzzing with nervous energy. The incessant shuffling of one footballer’s feet were like fingers crawling against a chalkboard as it drew glares from the rest of his teammates, who were fidgeting about, struggling to […]
The 3 Elements of Effective Communication/Public Speaking All Working Adults Should Know
Let’s talk about 3 elements. The 3 elements that enable you to communicate effectively and persuasively. As you know, Communication Skills (Public Speaking) can be used for: Networking, building strong relationships, conducting engaging talks or to become a respected leader. In fact, communication skills are highly recommended by many successful leaders. Including Legendary Billionaire Investor […]
How Public Speaking Can Help You In Your Career
Public Speaking/Communication Skills goes beyond just speaking in front of a crowd. In this video, Darren shares how it can make an impact on your career or business.
test Post
The X-factors are: Words, Voice, Body Language. This is based on several studies in the 1970s, conducted by Prof. Albert Mehrabian.