Mastering School Admission DSA Interviews: Essential Tips (Part 3)

Mastering School Admission DSA Interviews: Essential Tips (Part 3)


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As mentioned in Part 1 & 2, with effective preparation & interview skills training, you can have that advantage in terms of confidence and competence in order to stand out in the eyes of your interviewer(s). In this article, we share essential DSA school admission interview tips that will help your child formulate and articulate swift and outstanding responses in any interview setting.


Manage Interview Nerves

It is completely natural to feel nervous before an interview – interviewers are complete strangers who are discerning and naturally judgemental in this case (their very purpose is to assess the candidates). The key is to manage these nerves (making the butterflies in your stomach ‘fly in formation’) so despite the nervousness, you can still furnish outstanding responses and leave behind a positive impression.


Example: Develop a pre-interview routine that calms your mind, such as deep breathing exercises – Here’s How To Do An Effective Deep Breathing Exercise:


Demonstrate Curiosity and a Desire to Learn

This point ties in with the first tip in Part 1, with regard to doing your due diligence and learn more about the school or organization. Amidst the DSA interview, the interviewer may ask “Do you have any questions for me/ us?”. If you have done your discovery regarding the school’s latest updates (projects/ direction/ focus), expressing curiosity about the school and its academic programs is a key interview strategy. By asking insightful questions shows that you are eager to engage with the school’s project/ vision.

Example: You might ask, “I hear that the school integrates technology into the curriculum with smartboards and even the usage of ChatGPT for project research, are there plans to expose all students to basic AI?”. These questions can help you learn more about the school while leaving a positive impression on the interviewer.


Show Respect and Professionalism

Respectful behaviours go a long way in creating a pleasing first impression during interviews. From your greeting to your farewell, demonstrate professional conduct – for instance, arrive on time, wear a teeth-revealing smile on the face and greet with a nod of the head (a symbol of respect). When saying goodbye, thank the interviewer(s) for the opportunity and time they have taken to meet with you, and express your excitement about the possibility of joining the school/ organization.

Not doing the above may not straightaway be construed as disrespectful, but it will definitely gain you points and it cannot hurt to ingratiate yourself with the interviewers!


Please bear with us – FINAL brief product plug for our ISM (Interview Skills Mastery program for children, ONLY during March Holidays):

Our interview workshop is not just another event on your child’s academic calendar—it’s an opportunity to build interpersonal communication skills, speaking confidence, refine body language cues, and learn the interview techniques that can help your child succeed during the DSA or University school admission/ internship/ scholarship process. The many benefits of attending a quality interview workshop include – helps demystify the interview process, imparts practical strategies for preparation, and clocking in the effective rehearsals and practices through mock interview sessions.



More tips on public speaking & communication skills


Check out our tips on the following five communication topics:


Speaking Confidence Building Strategy

Body Language Techniques

Effective Presentation Techniques

Linguistic skills

Impromptu Speaking / Think-fast-on-the-feet skills


Our Public speaking & Presentation Skills Training Courses


If you’re keen on taking your communication skills to the next level, to improve your persuasive speaking skills through our training programs:


Click for more about our (weekly group classes) Public Speaking Courses for Adults


Click for more about our (2-day) public speaking/ presentation course for adults


Click for more about our (weekly group classes) Public Speaking Course for Kids / Children


Click for more about our (2-day) public speaking holiday program for Kids / Children


Click for more about our (2-half-day) DSA interview skills holiday program for Kids / Children






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