Public Speaking & Private E-Learning – Can I Learn Public Speaking Online?
New media platforms are fast becoming information centres for various purposes – as a news source, entertainment platform or even for professional purposes. With this trend, it remains surprising that there remains some who view online learning (or e-learning) with a speculative eye. We don’t blame you. Especially for an interactive skill such as public speaking or communication, the online platform is far from a natural choice for one to clock meaningful stage time. To put it simply – why should you be paying for a skill that should only be taught face-to-face?
As communication/public speaking trainers, we believe that communication skills straddles both the face-to-face and virtual settings. The current COVID-19 situation and its accompanying strict stay-home measures have underlined the importance of having the versatility to converse confidently, persuasively or even powerfully in a virtual platform. Just because your meeting takes place online does not mean your body language, content structure or even vocal tone techniques can be thrown out of the window! Instead, this is the time to adapt and develop your repertoire of communication skills.
To help ease your worries, let us share the three main ways we run our e-learning sessions to ensure that your public speaking journey can continue.
PSA’s Way #1: Technique-Focused (with a little bit of Practice)
Our e-learning sessions are more than just an ‘online version’ of our physical classes. It goes without saying that the sessions are live and interactive, ensuring a conversational and facilitative setting with our trainers (instead of a pre-recorded videos). While retaining the same class duration, we tailor the allocation for interaction and technique sharing during the sessions itself. Think of it as an intimate consultative or coaching platform to gain the fundamental theory in a constructive environment.
Even though the session itself is primarily focused on technique-sharing, time is still allocated for live, practical sessions. For example, in our e-learning sessions on Group Interviews, our students were brought through our scaffold in pitching yourself and creating a first impression. They had an immediate opportunity to plan and run through their drafts and receive an immediate evaluation from our Trainers. Beyond our e-learning sessions, we added a record-at-home exercise for our students to try out at home and send us separately. They will then receive a comprehensive evaluation of their presentation skills, with emphasis on positive habit-building. The combination of theory and practice is designed to ensure that you remain actively involved in your growth journey!
PSA’s Way #2: Pattern Breaks & Interaction
Our online sessions are not merely one-way, boring sessions for you to ‘survive’ through. We draw upon our experiences with live teaching by building in various pattern break elements that ensure that our sessions are not just continuous droning streams. For example, our Trainers utilise a high volume of stories to underlie and illustrate the significance and application of the various techniques we cover.
Beyond stories, our Trainers likewise incorporate pattern-break elements that ensure that our students are thoroughly engaged during the session. We understand that it may be daunting to sit through a 1.5-hour session, even if online. The temptation to switch the screen to Facebook or to check your phone is strong. We incorporate various elements such as polls, discussions, or even related videos that help to make the full learning experience dynamic but insightful.
PSA’s Way #3: Continued Habit-Building Process
As mentioned, we continue to place emphasis on the practical component by giving our students a record-at-home assignment to complete. Our students have the chance to receive detailed feedback that covers the various aspects of the speech-building process and even speech delivery elements suited for online of small-scale setting. As we had shared in our previous article (click to read), there are unique body language and communication elements that apply exclusively to online settings.
Beyond the evaluation opportunity, the record-at-home assignment introduces our student to the powerful rehearsal tool (even for face-to-face settings) – our phones. Most of us would baulk at the thought of recording our speeches or presentations. This gives our students a chance to familiarise themselves with the process and understand the accompanying benefits of scrutinising how you present. This forms an essential part of the learning journey!
Final Thought:
Come Join Us Online!
Whether we are comfortable or not, e-learning is now a new norm in the current situation. Rather than grudgingly succumb to it, this is an opportunity for you to immerse in a refreshingly new take on communications training. These skills, while tailored for the virtual classroom, are not limited to the online setting. The versatility that comes with it will ensure that you are equipped with the necessary confidence skills to progress, especially after this situation improves.
Both LIVE Training & ONLINE Training Available:
If you’re keen to take your public speaking & presentation skills (either business/corporate presentation or kids in-class presentation) to the next level so that you may public speak and present with flair and charisma, feel free to check out our offerings below!
WATCH: Behind The Scenes | Public Speaking Academy Goes Online! [E-Learning During Covid19]
For more about our Public Speaking Course for Adults :
For more about our Public Speaking Course for Kids / Children:
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