Online Communication Tips – How to Sound Confident When Presenting Online?
COVID-19. Stay-at-Home Notice. Work from Home (WFH). These are fast becoming familiar terms with the current spread of the COVID-19 in Singapore. Beyond the health repercussions, the virus brings with it numerous changes in terms of our daily routine, chief of which is the recommendation to remain indoors/at home unless necessary. The recommendation against large group gatherings also directly impact our typical communication modes – be it public speaking before a large audience or having meetings within your department, in person. With face-to-face communication opportunities reduced, how can we present the same communication confidence and prowess through the online screen?
The answer is not that surprising. Most organisations and companies have already moved towards online platforms such as Zoom or Google Hangouts to continue their communication settings. There are already several workshops sprouting, trying to guide the public on how to best maximise these platforms. This article is not about that. We realised early that communication modes are fast transiting in the modern world. The usual public speaking and communication techniques must move with the times and be adapted to the modern setting.
In our article today, we will share three quick tips on how you can similarly project confidence, power and strength, even through the barrier of the screen.
Tip #1: Offline & Online Preparation
An article on online presentations cannot start without first exploring the technicalities and finer details of the available platforms. Fret not, we are not about to get technical just yet. Instead, we introduce two general approaches in terms of mindset preparation for your respective communication settings – the Online and Offline approach to your preparation for your new media presentation. The two approaches help you to guide your mindset on how to best prepare for this new media presentation mode.
As the term suggests, the Offline approach looks at the finer technicalities beyond the platform. Aside from just downloading the relevant software, it is equally important to arm yourself with the relevant tools such as camera, lighting or even microphone facilities. Moving beyond the technical requirements, you should ensure that all your props needed for your session are within reach (avoiding the need to rush off to retrieve them midway). The Online approach then looks at your familiarity with the system itself. Be comfortable with the essential functions such as muting, attendance checking/verifying or even video control. Nothing spells disaster like having an hour wasted trying to share your screen or un-mute your microphone during an important meeting. Focus your mind on preparing adequately for these two aspects for a strong starting point!
Tip #2: Body Language … with the Camera
Believe it or not, body language is still important even when you are interacting with an online audience. We would go further to suggest that the online set-up allows your audience to possibly scrutinise your body language carefully, especially if you are the main focus of the video. Imagine having to hide your nerves while presenting an idea in an online meeting. Your shaky voice, roving eye contact or shifty hands may betray a lack of confidence in an idea. Learning how to control your body language elements, even while ‘on air’, is definitely crucial.
The three elements of body language we wish to emphasise are your broad eye contact, expansive hand gestures and strong vocal clarity. In terms of eye contact, it is important to adopt a broad, sustained and measured eye contact for the presentation. If you are streaming using your personal device, this will entail a soft focus on the camera on your device. Think of the eye contact effect from the perspective of the audience: when they view their respective screens, your eye contact is already focused on them if you look directly at the camera. The “soft focus” comes into play to avoid a ‘staring’ or ‘unflinching’ look, which may be more uncomfortable or intimidating.
This should be supplemented with open, expansive hand gestures, which are angled towards your virtual audience (instead of extending them from your sides to make yourself look wider). The aim is to give a welcoming or beckoning feeling to draw your virtual audience in. Finally, while microphones or sound condensers can enhance the clarity of your voice, this does not mean that you can simply neglect your natural vocal quality. The necessary vocal qualities such as pronunciation, diction and articulation are still important!
*** Presenting online doesn’t mean you can just reel off (parrot) the slides verbatim without any non-verbal expressions ***
Tip #3: End with Commitment
Finally, remember to conclude your online sessions with commitment and confidence. We have observed online communication ending on an abrupt or hanging note, with participants failing to consolidate the action points or give a clear outline for any onward action. Especially for high-impact meetings that you are hosting, remember to end with commitment by closing all the loops adequately.
For example, if you require a follow-up from any of the participants, remember to make a note of it and emphasise the same at the end. Some best practices also include sending a summary or a short write-up of the meeting deliverables after everyone has logged off. While this is an equally beneficial practice for face-to-face meetings, you are more likely to forget this with the ease of running an online session!
Final Thought:
Keep Calm and Continue Communicating!
The shift to online meeting platforms is not an excuse for you to abandon your public speaking or communication techniques. Instead, this grants us an opportunity to hone our skills, adapt them and grow as versatile communicators in formal and informal settings. These are skills that will remain relevant, even after the situation improves. We hope that the three tips we shared today will put you in good stead in your growth as a new media communicator!
If you’re keen to take your public speaking & presentation skills (either business/corporate presentation or kids in-class presentation) to the next level so that you may public speak and present with flair and charisma, feel free to check out our offerings below!
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