Your Business Presentation FAQ – Top Public Speaking & Presentation Questions

Your Business Presentation FAQ – Top Public Speaking & Presentation Questions



Planning a business presentation but unsure of what you may be missing? Looking for ways to ensure your presentation is in its best form? It may be tedious to cover all potential presentation gaps when you are already focussed on crafting the content or planning your delivery style. Be it a formal boardroom presentation or an informal sharing to a small group, there will always be that potentially crippling voice at the back of your head asking: what if I miss something out?

While we may not be there with you as you prepare for that important presentation, we wanted to provide you with a quick guide to help you along. Every presentation or speech may have that one pitfall that can trip you up and shake your confidence. From our experience, there are common concerns that our students face – these could be the very same concerns that you have for your presentation. To help you prepare for your presentation, here are three top presentation questions that may apply to your next speech!


What should I do if my audience members are disengaged or confused?



Audience engagement can be a tricky affair. Most communicators may feel that you need an overly-energetic or dramatize delivery to engage your audience. However, we feel that audience engagement requires a careful approach in ensuring that your content is tailored for your audience, and your delivery draws them in. If your audience members are disengaged or confused by your presentation, you will be hard-pressed to think of a solution while you are presenting itself.

The main solution to keep in mind is to prepare a clear structure from the outset. Start with the broader points that are more important for your audience before diving into the micro details. The challenge comes when you notice your audience members being confused as you present. Remember to conduct check-ins with your audience (e.g., May I check if anyone has any questions?). You can further enhance your audience’s understanding through summaries or overviews that will remind them about the covered points.


How do I make a formal presentation less boring and more engaging?



There is an assumption underlying this question – that a formal presentation must be boring. This may not necessarily be the case, especially if you plan engaging elements in your presentation. While there may be decorum or formal etiquette to keep (e.g., a board presentation), there is room to experiment with the presentation content and delivery!

To challenge your next presentation, here are three methods you can incorporate to make your formal presentation more engaging. First, incorporate fluid elements such as audience interaction or humour, where appropriate. For example, an entertaining story or case study can break the monotonous flow. Second, reframe your points to meet your audience’s perspectives. Have them think about your sharing through rhetorical questions or scene-painting (e.g., Imagine the challenges you face in …). Third, add pattern-breaks (such as group discussions, reading time) to draw your audience in and involve them in the presentation.


How do I ensure that my audience members remember my presentation points?



It goes without saying that most, if not all, of us want our audience to remember the main points of our presentation. We are not referring to a unique speaking style or confidence. Rather, are your audience members able to extract and internalize your main presentation points? This question can take greater significance, especially if your presentation contains specific deliverables or tasks for your audience to complete.

To increase the longevity of your points in your audience’s mind, let your audience leave with a ‘gift’ from your presentation. Make it easy for them to remember your presentation by reiterating key elements (e.g., learning points, frameworks, calls to action, deliverables). You can incorporate structure as well by packaging your points neatly. For example, a seemingly arbitrary set of 3 points can be transformed into a 3-step/phase framework!


Let Your Presentation Shine!

Presentations (whether formal or otherwise) can be a difficult challenge, even for seasoned communicators. From audience engagement to having a memorable conclusion, there are many aspects to keep in mind as you prepare. We hope that by covering the three top presentation questions from our experience, you can go on and present with power!


WATCH our video on: “”Last-Minute” Presentation/ Public Speaking Tips


By The Way…

If you are keen to take your public speaking skills & presentation skills (either business/corporate presentation / kids in-class presentation) to the next level so that you may communicate and deliver speeches with greater flair and charisma, feel free to check out our public speaking/ presentation skills course for adults and public speaking course for children below!


For more about our (weekly group classes) Public Speaking/ Presentation Skills Course for Adults :


If you are looking for a 2-day intensive public speaking/ presentation skills course for adults instead (for our adult learners who can’t do weekends), learn more about our presentation skills training course here:


If you are looking for Public Speaking/ Presentation Courses for Kids / Children:


If you are a human resources manager/ business owner in your company…

We want to help you bring out the best in your team, organization, and company. Public speaking and communication skills for the workplace, such as persuasion, remain a priority for most corporate training out there. We believe in staying ahead of the curve in sharing the contemporary communication skills to help you and your team remain relevant, competitive and nimble. Through our customized corporate training programmes, your team will benefit from an in-depth, hands-on, and potential-maximising public speaking & presentation skills training programme!

Feel free to reach out to us to curate your own public speaking corporate training programme for your team, company, or organization! Let us help you develop them into highly effective public speakers at work, empowered with effective presentation skills & storytelling skills – them giving speeches with charisma, influence and impact is something you can look forward to!


For effective presentation skills training & public speaking training for corporates/ employees:






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