How To Think Smart & Speak Fast – Tips for Impromptu Speech
Thinking fast on your feet is one of the important skills that a lot of our students actually ask about because they want to think very fast and respond very quickly in a very stressful situation. It’s not solely about responding very quickly (i.e. speed) but it is about responding confidently, competently and creatively (i.e. relevance and wit).
Here are three things that you can think or use in the next time around you want to think very fast on your feet:
The first one, remember to take a pause. A lot of us think that thinking fast or speaking fast means that we have to respond almost immediately but sometimes just taking that quiet pause purposeful pause can help you to structure your answer plan your answer accordingly in as much time as you have and then provide your answer in a more confident manner it’s about putting yourself in a more confident state than that chaotic rush state had you answer your question immediately on the spot
The second thing that you can look out for is to always have what I call a structure on standby. A structure on standby is kinda like a box that you have with you and you have all your content ready – categorized, labelled and arranged neatly. You just have to put your content in a very clear category so here at Public Speaking Academy, for example, there are some tips that we teach for example – the past-present-future method where you can compartmentalize your content into three different categories and that can actually help you to give a very structured answer. Hence, having that structure on standby can help you deliver a more confident response.
The last thing that you can do is to focus on personal experiences. Sharing stories is a great way to share more details more live stories or even lessons in a very tight time frame because you don’t actually need to plan your story. A lot of these experiences already exist in your mind and that reduces the time do you have to think very fast on your feet. So, the next time you find yourself in that extemporaneous situation, try one of these three tips and I look forward to hearing about your next successful impromptu speech.
By The Way…
If you’re keen to take your public speaking skills & presentation skills (either business/corporate presentation / training for presentation to clients / kids in-class presentation) to the next level so that you may communicate and deliver speeches with greater flair and charisma, feel free to check out our public speaking courses for adults and kids below!
For more about our Public Speaking Courses for Adults :
If you’re also looking for Public Speaking Course for Kids / Children:
If you are a human resources manager/ business owner in your company…
We want to help you bring out the best in your team, organization, and company. Public speaking and communication skills for the workplace, such as persuasion, remain a priority for most corporate training out there. We believe in staying ahead of the curve in sharing the contemporary communication skills to help you and your team remain relevant, competitive and nimble. Through our customized corporate training programmes, your team will benefit from an in-depth, hands-on, and potential-maximising public speaking training programme!
Feel free to reach out to us to curate your own public speaking corporate training programme for your team, company, or organization! Let us help you develop them into highly effective public speakers at work, empowered with effective presentation skills & storytelling skills – them giving speeches with charisma, influence and impact is something you can look forward to!
For effective presentation skills & public speaking skills training for corporates/ employees:
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