Designing the Best Communications Course for You – What Goes into a Corporate or School Public Speaking Training

Designing the Best Communications Course for You – What Goes into a Corporate or School Public Speaking Training



Taking a break from all the articles on what you can do during this Circuit-Breaker period, we thought we dive into the mechanics of how the Public Speaking Academy designs or crafts the best public speaking course for our clients. This was a common question among those who are interested in finding out more about how a communications course is designed and whether it is even suited for their organisation or students’ needs.

No worries, this is not going to be some top-secret, mysterious process. But, like a secret mission, a lot of work goes into designing the best course for our clients. This meticulous process involves careful consideration of back-end research, tailoring the content based on organisational needs, and managing the logistical/operational aspects of the course. One of the key considerations that we keep in mind is to ensure that the programme we come up with for the organisations or schools is in line with their learning objectives or goals.

Let us give a quick insight into how a public speaking course is designed for your organisation or school!


Tailored to Your Learning Needs

For us, coming up with the communications course for corporate or school training is more than just a rinse-and-repeat of our previous trainings done. We believe that each client has a unique learning interest and objective. While the actual techniques may overlap (not re-inventing the wheel is also part of efficiency!), these techniques are framed within relevant contexts or stories. Interested in sales-oriented training? Or simply looking to train students to be more persuasive? We will ensure that the demonstration of the techniques and examples used are suited for that purpose.



So, how do we derive your learning needs? This involves an open, consultative approach with our clients to narrow down the specific learning need. We understand that not everyone will know what the goal is right from the outset. There may be a context or scenario (for example, a session to prepare students to conduct the interview), but the exact techniques or lesson plan may differ. This open discussion before we finalise the lesson plan is important to ensure that the course is ultimately tailored to your specific needs!


Research? What Research?

Yes! Our programmes go through proper research, even when we are only at the quotations phase. In discussing the exact lesson plan, we also ensure that the techniques to be covered or examples shared are updated and relevant to the goal. This may involve running through our materials, applying previous feedback, checking up on modern literature or even deriving from our trainers’ personal experiences in relevant communication settings.



Don’t worry – the research is not meant to turn the session into a university, one-way lecture. Our research also explores various pattern-break aspects, such as stories or even discussion formats that may help the learning process. For example, in a corporate training we previously organised, our training team incorporated more discussion-based formats (such as group planning, short sharing, break-out sessions) that was more appropriate for a bigger crowd. This process is one that involves scrutiny of the learning objectives and diligence in planning at the back-end level.


Operational Details are Still Important



Operational details may be tedious or exhausting, but they are also important in ensuring a smooth and complete learning experience. There are various aspects that this would entail, but we will focus on three key considerations – the training team, the audience size, and the deliverables. When considering the training team, quantity alone is not a determinative factor. We tailor the learning experience based on the relevant subject-matter expertise our trainers have. The training team comes from a varied background to ensure that the team assigned is well-suited for the learning goal.

The audience size is an essential factor, especially when designing the lesson plan (this may even affect the size of the training team required!). The larger the audience size, the more likely the lesson plan will differ. For example, individual presentations may no longer be feasible if the training involves a large audience size. Finally, the deliverables help us to narrow down the organisation needs/goals and ensures that the expectations are managed for a smooth experience.

These three operational details are more than just pricing – they ensure that our clients have a smooth and effective course ahead!


Reach Out to Us!


This article is more than just a selling pitch. We understand that not everyone may know what goes into our communications course crafting process or where the investment goes into. As we have shared, crafting a communications course requires time, effort, and dedicated focus. For us at the Public Speaking Academy, the training quality and learning experience form an important aspect in the crafting process. That said, if this has piqued your interest in our courses, feel free to reach out to us to design the perfect, tailored course for you!



Attention all HR managers and Training & Development Heads:

If you’re keen to take your colleagues or students’ public speaking & presentation skills (either business/corporate presentation or kids in-class presentation respectively) to the next level so that they may public speak and present with flair and charisma, feel free to check out our public speaking corporate training offerings below!


List of customizable skill-sets from our Public Speaking Course for Adults :


List of customizable skill-sets from our Public Speaking Course for Kids / Children:


*To seek a quotation for your next customized public speaking training/ presentation skills training:

Feel free to drop us a message at:






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