The 3 Things You Should Completely Avoid Doing Before Speaking In Front Of A Crowd or Group

(Play the video and it will automatically skip to the 1:55 mark. Scroll backward if you haven’t watched the start)

3rd Richest Man in the World Emphasises That Your Ability to Speak & Communicate Will Have a Huge Impact on Your Career

According to a News Article, Legendary investor Warren Buffett says the ONE skill that will make you worth 50% more is Communication Skills. He says, “If you can’t communicate, it’s like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens. You can have all the brainpower in the world, but you have to be able to transmit it!” Communication Skills is constantly highly valued by Warren Buffett because you can use it to pitch ideas persuasively, build rapport with people & to negotiate. Join & learn directly under Darren Tay, the World Champion of Public Speaking at a 2-Day Training! You’ll be equipped with top communication skills that are 100% important at the Workplace. Here are 3 things you’ll experience at our UNIQUE 2-Day Speak Performance Program: You’ll be trained based on our unique “THB” Philosophy so you see changes in the way you communicate fast. The “THB” Training Philosophy that you get is based on 3 things: 1. Tested Frameworks
  • Unlike any other training or workshop, you’ll be given different frameworks and techniques based on that are developed by Public Speaking World Champion, Darren Tay. Refined after 15 years of training experience!
2. Hands-on Application
  • Throughout the 2-day program, there will be multiple opportunities for you to apply what you learn through hands-on activities so you can fully retain what you learn.
3. Blindspot Feedback
  • You’ll also be given valuable feedback from Darren Tay during hands-on sessions as most of the time people will not be aware of their own blindspots. This is what you can NEVER get by reading a book or watching videos.
At the training you’ll learn:
  • Conquering Stage Fright & Charisma
  • How to compose an attention-grabbing story
  • Top Body Language Secrets
  • Interpersonal Communication Skills and so much more…
Seated are strictly limited 30 participants only to ensure a good trainer-to-student ratio. Enroll asap as registration will close once the program is full! Get the full program details or to enroll by clicking here.






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