Most people think effective communication is just about what you say or the words you use.
In the 1970s, Prof. Albert Mehrabian conducted several studies and discovered that it consists of 3 important elements.
The 3 elements are: Words, Voice, Body Language.
He also discovered the amount of importance for each element. Have a look at the diagram below:

Pink Colour: Words (7%)
Blue Colour: Voice (38%)
Yellow Colour: Body language (55%)
You can see that Verbal (words) is only 7%!
Non-verbal (voice+body language) makes up a total of 93%.
Let me just elaborate further on what each element means…
Words: This about the words and message that you say.
Voice: This consists of the tone of your voice, the rhythm of how you say it and the speed of how you say it.
Body Language: This is about the hand gestures that you use, your eye- contact and facial expressions as well as your posture and movement.
In order to be effective and persuasive, the answer lies in mastering nonverbal communication (voice + body language).
This is why people unconsciously give out the wrong signals.
Through our nonverbal communication, it can raise doubts in someone’s mind. Doubts such as:
“I don’t have a very good first impression of this guy”
“I have bad vibes about this person…”
“Is he sure about what he’s even talking about?” (despite you being an expert about it)
“What is he trying to say?”
“I feel so bored listening to this guy.”
Remember your words only play a very SMALL role (7%).
If you become aware of using nonverbal communication, people will have the opposite reaction.
Instead, people will say:
“This guy knows what he’s talking about.”
“I enjoy talking to this person very much.”
“He really has very good ideas.”
“This guy is capable of bigger things.”
“He’s very interesting to listen to.”
The next time, you see someone speaking on a video or in-person, observe their nonverbal communication.
If you would like to master & harness the power of nonverbal communication, it’ll be taught at our upcoming 2-day live training.
You’ll be directly trained by 1st Southeast Asian Public Speaking World Champion, Darren Tay.
At the hands-on training, you’ll learn:
- The secret of nonverbal communication to become a persuasive communicator
- The “P-E-E-L” impromptu speaking techniques
- Techniques that you can use to raise your speaking confidence within 5 mins or less which works EVERY single time even if you’re an introvert
- And so much more
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