[Part 5 of 5] Speak, Present With Confidence!

How to Become a Fearless & Effective Communicator!

In the last training (part 4), we talked deeper about story-telling. I shared with you 2 secrets for coming up with compelling stories. But remember that… Story-telling alone will NOT enable you to become an effective communicator. Beyond story-telling, there are 3 x-factors that affect your ability to persuade and influence. Take Martin Luther King as an example. Beyond just story-telling, how was he able to persuade and influence? Many years before I became the World Champion of Public Speaking, I used to also think that it was just about what you say. I used to think that it was just about telling stories. It was one of my mentors who made me realise that it was more than that.

In order for you to become an effective communicator, you need to master the 3 X-factors.

The X-factors are: Words, Voice, Body Language. This is based on several studies in the 1970s, conducted by Prof. Albert Mehrabian. Through his studies, he discovered the amount of importance for each X-factor: Pink Colour: Words (7%) Blue Colour: Voice (38%) Yellow Colour: Body language (55%) You can see that Verbal (words) is only 7%. The importance of what you say is only 7 percent! Instead, non-verbal (voice+body language) makes up a total of 93%.

Let me just elaborate further on what each X-Factor is…

  • Words: This about the words and message that you say.
  • Voice: This consists of the tone of your voice, the rhythm of how you say it and the speed of how you say it.
  • Body Language: This is about the hand gestures that you use, your eye-contact and facial expressions as well as your posture and movement.
In order to be effective and persuasive, the answer lies in mastering nonverbal communication (voice + body language). This is why people unconsciously give out the wrong signals. Through our nonverbal communication, it can raise doubts in someone’s mind. Doubts such as: “I don’t have a very good first impression of this guy” “I have bad vibes about this person…” “Is he sure about what he’s even talking about?” (despite you being an expert about it) “What is he trying to say?” “I feel so bored listening to this guy.”

Remember your words (what you say) only play a very SMALL role (7%).

If you become aware and use nonverbal communication, people will have a different reaction. Instead, they will say: “This guy knows what he’s talking about.” “I enjoy talking to this person very much.” “He really has very good ideas.” “This guy is capable of bigger things.” “He’s very interesting to listen to.” So if you want to be a persuasive and effective communicator master verbal AND non-verbal communication. This is why I’ve designed a unique online training to help people to master the CMVT Quadrant:

I came up with the CMVT Quadrant because…

I’ve come across people who practice and train for years but get nowhere. Some even remain fearful & nervous to speak. So I personally developed & designed a program based on my 13 years of experience. I tried many different techniques over a span of 13 years and realised what were the ones that worked and the ones that didn’t. The ones that aren’t effective and the ones proved to be the most effective. I have consolidated all of them into this unique online training. You’ll learn the very same techniques helped me to go from a 14-year-old introvert to becoming the 1st Southeast Asian World Champion of Public Speaking at age 27. I’m here to help you develop your maximum potential in the next 90 days. I’m here to to help you turn into a master presenter & speak with influence using world-class techniques. If you’d like to find out more about this unique online program, you can watch the video below or click the button below:

Week by week, you’ll learn various techniques that will transform you into a Confident & Effective Communicator. Week by week, you’ll get different frameworks that you can use. Different frameworks for persuasive speaking, informative speech, training. With frameworks, you will cut your preparation time in half because you won’t have to start from scratch. Week by week, you’ll learn & get:
  • Specific techniques to permanently conquer your fear of speaking in front of a small or large crowd permanently
  • Methods to conduct exciting training sessions & Transmit Your Knowledge to Others
  • Plus: The art of story-telling, body language and many more.
Click here to find out more. In the future, this program will be at $997 but now you can save 36% & get 5 valuable bonuses. I look forward to helping you see a transformation!   To Your Future, Darren Tay






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