The 3 Things You Should Completely Avoid Doing Before Speaking In Front Of A Crowd!
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Here are the 3 Deadly mistakes to avoid when talking in front of people:
There are so many things that could go wrong when speaking in front of people.
These guidelines do not in any way address all those possible mistakes
But this will build the foundation of your journey as you improve your public speaking skills.
1. Preparing far TOO much!
Don’t spend too much time trying to Perfect your speech.
Remember you are not there to showcase and impress the audience with your perfection.
You are speaking to your audience to relay a message and to share knowledge.
Don’t add in the burden of being perfect because public speaking already has too many pressures on its own.
Technical difficulties within the Conference room.
There might be strong objections or unexpected reactions.
What you need to focus on instead is giving it your best shot.
Take the pressure off on being perfect and focus instead on what really matters;
Relating to your audience and passionately imparting your knowledge.
As Darren Tay, 2016 World Champion of Public Speaking, said:
“We don’t need to gun for Perfection. We gun for progression”
Embrace instead the imperfect, the human, and the lively.
If you do this, trust me.
Your Mental State Will Thank you.
2. Not greeting your audience with a Bang.
A greeting is a part where you open your speech.
We sometimes focus too much on getting to the point, we miss this very relevant part.
Most people will start with “Good morning ladies and gentlemen…”
However, I want to share with you a different way to start.
Here are things you can do to start with a Bang:
A Quote that will summarize your speech.
A Story that will relate to your topic.
A question that will pique your audience’s curiosity about the topic.
A Greeting sets the energy or the vibe of the whole speech not only for the audience but also for you.
Once you get their attention and interest,
They will focus on your stage presence and your Content.
3. Your body language is a mess.
We are wired to read body language.
If you move too much, you will look like a nervous wreck.
If you stand too straight, you will look intimidating.
If you slouch too much, you will look terrified and unsure.
When you speak in public or address a group, your body language is more vulnerable and readable than usual.
Your movements and posture (or lack thereof), can distract your audience from your message.
Your Body Language and Energy will also affect your voice.
If done right, it can make your voice more active and passionate.
Pay attention to your body language:
You can go over your speech with a video camera.
Note down what you can do to make your body language appropriate and natural.
Stand up straight, take deep breaths, Look people in the eye, and Smile.
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