We communicate every day; it’s a natural and spontaneous thing that we don’t really take more than as it is. Because we know that after a conversation a communication is over but this is not always true because we remember the conversation and even if unintentionally and intentionally we observe them, we watch who we converse and because of that we can tell if the person is interested or not or the conversation was good or bad.
Even if we have an interview, it will give you already an idea if you got the job or not based on your communication with the recruiter. If we go on dates we will know if there will be a date number 2 based on our communication with our dates. We may not notice it fully but it has something with communication. How we speak, the words we use, the stress that we put in every word we utter, our facial expression, our mannerisms and many more external factors but what you can control is the communication.
Effective Communication Skills
Communication is a skill and in order to be an effective communicator we need to be able to convey to the other person that you are communicating with what you are trying to say. So what are effective communication skills?
We need to be good with our interpersonal communication skills. So what is it? It is basically what you need to be an effective communicator and are broken down to five elements:
Communicator: Communication is a 2 way process and it needs a sender and receiver.
Message: The thing that you wish to say or mean it can be verbal or non-verbal (body language)
Noise: The distortion or the obstacle in order to convey the message.
Feedback: If you are the sender of the message, the feedback is the reply of the receiver and can be verbal or non-verbal.
Context: The environment that can affect the communication.
Channel: The means of communication: video call, cellphone.
The good thing about these elements is that they can be managed, controlled, suppressed and can be used to our advantage, we just need to be flexible in the things that are around us in order to make it happen. Some people might not be flexible enough to convey an effective message but if that person will remember the elements then they will be able to have an idea on how to use it to their advantage.
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