Sign up your Child for Public Speaking Competition Today

Does your child have talent in captivating an audience’s attention? Or perhaps your precious one can beautifully enunciate words to convey a message. If you’d like your son or daughter to have more confidence in speaking up, it would be good to register for a Public Speaking Competition. This should be the ideal venue for a student to showcase his or her public speaking skills.   What is a National Public Speaking Competition? This type of contest allows for secondary and tertiary levels of students to share and test their talents in speaking, while making friends as they go along. It would be advisable for your child to take up a public speaking course so he or she may prepare well for the contest. These may include English Language Courses, Regular Group Training Programs, Holiday and Ad-Hoc Programs and 1-to- 1 Training Sessions.   Why must your child join the contest? Being part of a National Public Speaking Competition allows for your child to be well-exposed to various audiences, as your special one thinks on his or her feet. A friendly, engaging and supportive contest if just what your child needs to attain good presentation skills. By having a good experience at a competition which takes on a national level, your child can apply what was learned to other speaking scenarios.   The contest’s format A national public speaking competition requires three rounds for students to complete. These three rounds include student registration which involves participants from various schools of the country, the Qualifying Rounds and the Championship. Some top Public Speaking Competitions would both incorporate National Prepared and Impromptu Speech components. If you’re aiming for your child to join the contest, utmost preparation and thorough understanding of the contest mechanics would be necessary. If your child has what it takes to be among Singapore’s national speakers, it would be a great idea forhim or her to join a National Public Speaking Competition. Check out your chosen contest’s mechanics and get your precious one inspired today.






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